Education is the first step in starting a new career in the firearms industry, but Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI) has launched a new program that goes far beyond education and is designed to create employment opportunities for students even before they graduate. SDI is now working closely with the editorial staff of Gun Digest to publish students’ work and to help build industry-wide name recognition for the students and their expertise.
Gun Digest is a longtime firearms-industry leader that has a publishing history that reaches back into the golden age of World War II, with its inaugural 1944 first edition of the Gun Digest annual book. Gun Digest the Magazine, which is published bi-weekly, offers shooting enthusiasts the best and most current gun news, and firearms for sale. Plus, it features great articles from the best gun writers in the country. Plus, GunDigest.com features articles from book and magazine authors, as well as Gun Digest editors, and video reviews of guns and new accessories for shooting.
“Gun Digest is one of the world’s leading authority on guns and firearms, including gun values, gun prices, gun collecting and reloading, so it’s a real pleasure to work with their editorial staff to publish the work of SDI students online,” says Zeke Stout, SDI Department Chair of the SDI School of Firearms Technology. “A degree in firearms technology is just the first step. Our partnership with Gun Digest, as well as other businesses within the firearms industry, help us to provide our students with real career opportunities after graduation.”
SDI students submitting articles must be an actively enrolled as a full-time student and must be in good academic standing. Articles must meet SDI editorial guidelines and will be reviewed and edited by SDI prior to submission to Gun Digest. To learn more about how you can participate, visit click HERE.