Whether you’re a business owner, future industry professional, or just a passionate student of the craft, SDI’s Training Center offers short, non-credit learning opportunities in targeted areas. Engage in lifelong learning at your own pace. Training Center courses are outside of the scope of accreditation granted by the DEAC, and the Arizona Board for Private Postsecondary Education does not license SDI Training Center courses. While there are no attendance, discussion, or assignment requirements, learners do have the opportunity to complete an assessment designed to test the learner’s understanding of the course content. Those who score 80% or higher will receive a certificate of completion from SDI for the chosen platform.
Training Center Courses
Firearms Technology
Uncrewed Technology

FAA Part 107 Exam Prep course
Introductory Course
Course Code:
FAA 107
Course Price: $250
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SDI provides no refunds for Training Center training. For all inquiries and feedback about SDI Training Center products, please contact the team at