Readers of our blog and viewers of our YouTube channel know Caleb Downing.
Caleb Downing’s more than just a good guy (which he most certainly is) – he’s a veteran of both the armed forces and law enforcement. He also happens to be a graduate of Sonoran Desert Institute, so you know he’s cool.
Funnily enough, when I reached out to him for the interviews we held with him – there are two we did back-to-back – I had absolutely no idea how big of an influence he was to have at SDI going forward. “From Our Grad Corner,” the series we do featuring the voices of our amazing graduates and their perspectives on topics related to the firearms industry, was actually started with content from Caleb.
The legend sort of goes on from there. He’s been a fantastic YouTube guest host, blogger, and more – and we fully intend to keep him around.
In this episode of The Gun Rack, we feature the supremely talented Caleb Downing as he talks about his experience and his SDI philosophy!
For those unacquainted with The Gun Rack, it’s Sonoran Desert Institute’s School of Firearms Technology’s official podcast – you can check it out in all of its glory here!
We focus on our school, firearms technology, education, history, and – most importantly of all – our students and graduates.
There’s a little something for every firearms enthusiast, including our first Caleb Downing feature episode embedded above.