As part of and in recognition of SDI’s passionate service to the veteran community, especially to those who have been wounded in the service of our country, Sonoran Desert Institute has been named a Purple Heart Institution by the Department of Arizona Military Order of the Purple Heart.

SDI honored those who have been wounded in the line of duty on the day it was named in part by having the staff dress in purple. We couldn’t have been more proud.

“The Sonoran Desert Institute became a Purple Heart Institution this past Monday,” said the Department of Arizona Military Order of the Purple Heart in a press release.
“Patriot Stephen Bobby, Patriot Dave Vineyard, Patriot Jimi Sallmen & Mrs Sallmen attended for the Department. It was a wonderful ceremony and the welcome to the PH recipients received was greatly appreciated. The Department presented the institute with a certificate of appreciation.”
The certificate reads as follows:
To all who shall see these presents, greetings, be it known that this certificate of appreciation is presented to Sonoran Desert Institute. Please accept our sincere gratitude for the support you have provided veteran students in Arizona. Efforts such as becoming a Purple Heart College will make veterans feel welcome to your campus. Your institution’s support of the education of veterans transitioning back to civilian like helps to mitigate issues of disabilities, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, financial problems and homelessness. Thank you to the institution and its staff for helping veterans during their time of need.
John R Moore, Commander
SDI even received a letter of gratitude from Senator Kyrsten Sinema:

Regardless of any recognition we receive, the focus, of course, remains on our amazing veteran community. Those who have served, those especially who sustained injury in the line of duty: thank you.