Adding Iron Sights to an AR-15: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding Iron Sights to an AR-15

  • Steve Ross

How to Properly Install Backup Iron Sights on Your AR-15

Adding an optic to an AR-15 can enhance accuracy and target acquisition. However, as with any electronic device, optics can fail. That is why it is crucial to have backup iron sights for an AR-15.

Before a shooter can use iron sights, they need to install them. Here is a step-by-step guide on installing AR-15 iron sights with insights from the Dean of SDI’s Chief Academic Officer, Jarred McNeely.

Installing Iron Sights for an AR-15

In his video, Jarred demonstrates how to install iron sights on an AR-15 using a set of fixed Daniel Defense sights. Here is how he does it.

1. Remove the Charging Handle

Removing the charging handle will allow you to slide the rear sight onto the gun. Begin by inspecting the rifle to ensure it is clear. Then, drop the bolt forward and open the rear takedown pin.

This will separate the rear of the upper and lower receivers. Pull the charging handle back, remove the bolt carrier group, and then remove the charging handle.

2. Remove Base Screw from Iron Sights

The screws will hold the sight in place on a Picatinny rail slot. Before mounting the sights, these screws need to be removed. Do this for both the front and rear sights. Keep the screws in a secure place, as they can easily be misplaced.

3. Slide Rear Sight Onto Upper Receiver

In most cases, the rear sight should be placed as far back on the receiver as possible. The greater the distance between the front and rear sight, the longer the shooter’s sight radius, which helps improve accuracy.

The rear sight has a small dish shape in it, which should be facing toward the shooter’s eye.

4. Tighten Rear Sight Onto Upper Receiver

Many iron sights come with a recommended torque specification from the manufacturer. If available, use a torque wrench to achieve the correct foot-pound measurement. If no specific recommendation is provided, tighten securely to ensure a firm hold.

5. Slide Front Sight Onto Handguard

Generally, the front sight should be placed as far forward as possible. If the iron sights have serrations, these should face the shooter to reduce glare and provide a clear sight picture.

6. Tighten Front Sight Onto Handguard

Secure the front sight using the same method as the rear sight, ensuring it is firmly mounted.

Once the front sight is attached to the handguard, the iron sights are fully installed on the AR-15. The rifle is now equipped with a reliable backup aiming system.

Learn More About Upgrading Guns with SDI

Adding iron sights to an AR-15 is just one of the many ways to enhance this highly modular platform. At SDI, students can explore various ways to improve firearm performance and effectiveness.

To learn more about the programs SDI offers, click here.

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