
Sonoran Desert Institute ensures each student displays a mastery of the knowledge and skills required for the student’s selected coursework. In order for SDI to accomplish this, SDI must gauge the progress of the student. One of the measures SDI uses is the scoring of the student’s academic activities from the coursework taken at the Institute. Grades from these academic assessments within each course are combined to reflect a final course score, which is recorded in the student’s official grade record.

Students requiring grade verification may request a current transcript at any point during a program of study from the Office of the Registrar or by emailing Upon graduation, students will automatically receive an official transcript along with the diploma indicating program completion. Additional official transcripts may be requested by students as needed. Transcripts will only be released to students in good financial standing with the Institute.

Associate of Firearms Technology and Certificate in Firearms Technology – Gunsmithing Grade Scale

Grade Percentage Grade Points Description
A+ 97-100 4.0 Pass
A 92-96 3.9 Pass
A- 90-91 3.7 Pass
B+ 86-89 3.5 Pass
B 82-85 3.3 Pass
B- 80-81 3.0 Pass
C+ 76-79 2.5 Pass
C 72-75 2.3 Pass
C- 70-71 2.0 Pass
F Below 70 0.0 Fail
PASS Above 70 N/A Pass
W N/A N/A Withdrawal
I N/A N/A Incomplete

Certificate in Firearms Technology – Handgun Specialist and Certificate in Uncrewed Technology – Aerial Systems Grade Scale

Grade Lower Limit Upper Limit Grade Points
A 94.00 100.00 4.00
A- 90.00 93.99 3.70
B+ 87.00 89.99 3.30
B 83.00 86.99 3.00
B- 80.00 82.99 2.70
C+ 77.00 79.99 2.30
C 70.00 76.99 2.00
F 0.00 69.99 0.00
W 0.00 0.00 0.00

Withdrawals & Incomplete Grades

W – Course Withdrawals

Students requesting to be withdrawn from a course up to the 75% point will be assigned a W grade. Course withdrawals will be treated as credits attempted but not earned for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) purposes.

I – Incomplete Grades – Effective for all courses starting on or after 6/3/2024

An incomplete grade may be awarded in a course when a student cannot finish the course due to exceptional extenuating circumstances. Incomplete grades are not intended for students who have fallen behind in the course and simply need more time to submit assignments.

Even if the student is eligible for an incomplete grade, the decision to grant the incomplete grade lies solely with the faculty member. A student may be eligible for an incomplete grade if the following requirements have been met:

  • Due to exceptional extenuating circumstances, the student needs additional time to complete assignments from the course’s final week in 4- and 5-week courses or the final two weeks in an 8-week course.
  • The student requests an incomplete grade from the faculty member before the course end date.
  • The student has the potential to earn a passing grade once the eligible assignments are submitted.

If approved, the extension period will not exceed one week from the course end date. Discussion board activities are not eligible for submission as part of the incomplete grade. The usual late assignment policy will not apply to assignments submitted as part of the incomplete grade. The VA certification period will not be extended for the duration of the incomplete grade; however, if the student begins a new term, the student will be accountable for participation in the subsequent semester coursework while completing work for any course with an incomplete grade. Incomplete grades will not be used in the SAP evaluation until a final grade is entered.


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