SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society

  • SDI Admin

The Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI) has always demonstrated a deep commitment to serving the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, and today SDI is pleased to announce their new Charter Membership with the national SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society.  SDI’s affiliation with SALUTE will provide well-deserved recognition for the academic achievements and contributions of student veterans.

The SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society originates from the ACE/Wal-Mart Success for Veterans Grant, which was awarded to Colorado State University in 2009. SALUTE — an acronym for Service, Academics, Leadership, Unity, Tribute, and Excellence — is the first honor society created for student veterans and military personnel at two- and four-year higher education institutions nationwide.

“Bringing the SALUTE program to SDI is our way of honoring and acknowledging the academic achievements of those who have served and continue to serve our great nation,” said SDI Chief Military Liaison, Walter Howard. “Our service men and women have shown courage, strength, leadership, excellence, and perseverance in their military endeavors and are now showing that same commitment in their academic careers. Being part of the SALUTE honor society allows them to forge relationships with their peers that reach beyond the classroom.”

There are many outstanding benefits of SALUTE membership, including membership certificates, eligibility of members to apply and compete for national SALUTE scholarships (not yet available), and more. SALUTE has been specially structured to operate with low costs, so the majority of membership fees can be dedicated to scholarships for student veterans across the nation. These nationally awarded scholarships are designed to support student veterans who need supplementation of their GI Bill® funding or who do not have GI Bill funding.

To qualify for SALUTE membership, undergraduates must be currently enrolled as SDI students in the Associate of Science program; have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours; have a minimum 3.0 GPA; be currently serving in the Armed Forces (Active Duty, National Guard, Reserves); and if veterans, must have been honorably discharged.

For more information about the SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society, visit


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