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Veterans Day 2023

  • Jack Collins

Every year on November 11, we celebrate all of the Americans with the courage and grit to stand up and defend our country. At SDI, ever since we opened our doors way back in 2000, we’ve been proud to be a company that serves veterans from every branch of the military.

Armistice Day: November 11, 1918

We can trace the beginnings of Veterans Day to the end of the First World War when the German Empire finally approached the Allied Powers for an armistice. This would lead to the ultimately failed peace of the Interwar Years, but at the time was hailed as the end of the global conflict that had consumed the world for four long years.

We didn’t waste much time before starting to celebrate. President Woodrow Wilson declared Armistice Day an official holiday in 1919, the year after the war’s end in Western Europe.

Becoming Veteran’s Day

The First World War was indisputably one of the most impactful events in the entire history of humanity. It not only changed the face of warfare and politics forever, but it also had a huge effect on the collective psyche of each nation involved. It was one of the first times that every able-bodied man was involved in the war effort, tying them together with the bonds of shared experience.

While that phenomenon started with Armistice Day (the original name for November 11 between 1918 and 1954), it didn’t end there. Consecutive generations would share the experience of their forebears, fighting in conflicts like World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Global War on Terror, and numerous smaller—but no less significant—engagements.

As a result, Congress decided to do something. They changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954, and the holiday became a time to honor all of the Americans who had served in any conflict.

November 11, 2023: This Year’s Events

We’ll see numerous Veterans Day observances on November 11, 2023. Generally, this involves members of the military placing wreaths at the site of war memorials in the Washington, DC, area. Ceremonies will take place at Arlington National Cemetery, the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial.

Proudly Serving Veterans at SDI

Are you a recently discharged veteran looking to take your first steps as a civilian? At SDI, we’ve helped countless servicemen and women transition into civilian life.

For more information on how SDI can do the same for you, click here.

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