American flags in a field

Memorial Day 2024

  • Drew Poplin

As we approach Memorial Day, it’s crucial to remember that the freedom we enjoy in this country comes at a profound cost. This day is set aside not just for relaxation and barbecues but as a solemn reminder of the brave individuals who laid down their lives for our liberties.

Sonoran Desert Institute remains deeply grateful for the ultimate sacrifices made by our service members. Their courage in the face of danger has safeguarded the freedoms and way of life we hold dear. Across the nation, various traditions, from wearing red poppies to decorating graves with flags and flowers, serve as poignant reminders of these heroes’ legacies. It’s a time for storytelling, reflection, and a deep appreciation of the liberties afforded by such valor.

Ways to Commemorate Memorial Day

Last year, we wrote about some of the different ways to participate in showing appreciation for the fallen. To briefly summarize, you can: 

  • Educate Yourself and Others About Memorial Day – We’ve written before about the history of Memorial Day and how its purpose differs from Veterans Day. We also encourage you to utilize resources like that offer valuable insights into the day’s origins and importance.
  • Participate in Memorial Day Traditions – From the National Memorial Day Parade to visiting veteran cemeteries, to wearing poppies and taking part in the National Moment of Remembrance at 3:00 PM, there are a number of traditions that you can partake in this year.
  • Get Creative – Consider starting a new tradition or look up what events are happening in your area.

Remember the Fallen

As we commemorate this Memorial Day, let us all take a moment to honor those who have given everything for our country. Their sacrifices ensure that our nation remains a land of freedom and opportunity, reminding us that such blessings come with a heavy price.

This Memorial Day, let’s pause to honor the heroes who sacrificed everything for our freedom. Their courage ensures our way of life remains protected.

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