Grow and scale your business with a custom-made, branded training program with easily accessible online education for your users.

  • Branded Training Center to match your company website with easy online access
  • Site hosting, storage, user administration, content management, and updates are provided by SDI
  • Concept to completion, courses developed to meet learning goals
  • Optional custom CGI animations show product exploded views and simulations of operation and failures

Backed by SDI’s 20+ years of online education experience, the SDI Training Center delivers our effective methodologies in a brand new way: Fully customizable courses are designed and developed to train employees, dealers, or distributors on-site or remotely.

Contact us to plan the level of training you want for your business.


SDI’s Custom Training Center incorporates hands-on training, microlearning techniques, and flexible online scheduling to create a modern learning environment that fosters success.


In every industry, employees with comprehensive training and product knowledge perform better. For your company, highly trained employees, dealers, and even distributors can offer numerous benefits over those who are untrained, including:

  • Increased Safety. When working with firearms, safety is paramount. When you have a fully trained employee in the firearms industry, you can rest assured that they will be safely handling firearms and production equipment.
  • Reduced Risk. Your trained staff can keep production and distribution sites safe with greater product knowledge. Knowledgeable employees also ensure that end users are informed of appropriate safety procedures, thereby reducing the risk of damage or injury to the client.
  • Maintenance & Care Knowledge. Employees with firearms training understand the need for regular maintenance and care to keep firearms and manufacturing equipment in good condition.
  • Enhanced Product Quality. With an in depth understanding of proper manufacturing procedures, firearms handling, and maintenance procedures, your trained employees know how to produce and maintain superior quality products.
  • Increased Product Lifespan. Employees with comprehensive industry training ensure product quality from every aspect, reducing the potential for defects or product failures. Trained employees can also convey that knowledge to customers, who will care for and maintain your products properly, further extending the product’s service life.
  • Accuracy. Fully trained firearms employees ensure that products are manufactured with exceptional precision to improve the likelihood of safe and accurate performance. In addition, they have the knowledge to provide accurate and detailed customer specifications and instructions.

Speak to one of our training center specialists

We’re ready to hear from you! Complete the form below to schedule a call with one of our Training Center specialists to discuss your training and business needs.

Organizations that work with us

Daniel Defense
Palmetto State Armory

For more information about our custom training programs, request information or contact us today.

Custom Training courses are outside the scope of accreditation granted by DEAC, and the Arizona Board for Private Postsecondary Education does not license SDI Training Center courses.