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What Veterans Day Means to Me

  • Paul Money

Veterans Day is observed on November 11th each year as, to quote the VA, “a celebration to honor America’s veterans patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.”

Veterans Day means all of those things to me, but also a lot more. Veterans Day, to me, is a reminder of a common thread that binds so many Americans together in a just and right cause.

It is a day to reflect upon what veterans have done to make this great nation the place that it is and to reach out to other veterans to build and maintain a sense of community. Veterans Day is a key holiday in the American identity.

Veterans Day is a holiday that evolved from Armistice Day, also celebrated on November 11th. It marks the end of hostilities in World War I, one of the bloodiest and most brutal conflicts the world has ever known. It was originally observed in America to honor the patriotism and sacrifice of the brave men that crossed an ocean to help end a conflict that threatened to engulf the entire world.

After World War II, Congress changed the holiday to Veterans Day, to honor the veterans of all wars. It is a holiday that transcends generational differences and reminds us all that the task of protecting freedom is never finished, but that there have always been brave Americans ready to take it on.

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

I encourage you to reflect on that this year and to discuss it with your neighbors and your community. As the sun sets on America’s longest war, it is more important than ever to acknowledge our veterans’ contributions and sacrifices.

Lastly, to all our veteran readers, I thank you for your service to this country and encourage you to honor each other and continue to serve and sacrifice for the common good in all that you do. Happy Veterans Day.

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