Industry Partners
SDI knows how important it is for industry professionals to have access to affordable, high-quality gear. We work with an ever-growing network of top brands offeringdiscounts on the tools and materials you may need in the industry. From hydro dip to full firearms, you can find exclusive discounts on industry gear from the following brands listed below. PLEASE NOTE: SDI always strives to maintain the accuracy of information maintained on this site. Because the discounts listed come from companies outside of SDI, the information on this listing may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. SDI or the individual company may make changes to the content and resources offered at any time.
This list may contain links to other websites that are not SDI.EDU; third-party sites may have different privacy policies, terms and conditions, and business practices than SDI. As a student or graduate, you serve as the face of our school with our community. Please use any offers in this guide respectfully and do not share credentials for any of these offers with parties outside of SDI.
Login into your Canvas account here and visit the Special Offers for Students page. Currently open to current students and graduates Canvas Login